Friday, June 6, 2008


Here is a MyxerTag of a song I have created using GarageBand. MyxerTags are Myxer's online promotional tools, allowing artists to post their mobile content easily on their existing web page, MySpace, and Facebook pages. This widget allows the fan to preview the ringtone or video before they send it to their phone right off of the artist's site.

MyxerTags on MySpace
MySpace has changed their policies toward third party content providers, this has pushed us to create a special MyxerTag that utilizes Myxer's Custom Texting Codes to deliver the mobile content to the user's phone. These MyxerTags work all over MySpace including Comment Walls, Bulletins, Blogs, and Profiles. Be sure to use the MySpace MyxerTag if you are embedding into MySpace.

MyxerTags on Facebook
Facebook likes to keep their interface organized and easy to navigate so they do not allow widgets to be drooped into their profiles and communication tools. Myxer does offer a Facebook application where bands can showcase the last track they downloaded on their profile. There is good news, Facebook created a section called Pages where Bands, Labels, and Businesses can create pages to represent their entities. Here you can easily embed our MyxerTag right into your profile. Check out

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