Friday, June 20, 2008


MyxerCodes are Myxer's mobile marketing tool. Reserved for MyxerIndies, these custom codes allow artists to really have a fully mobile promotional tool. All fans need to do is text "BAND_NAME" to 69937 (MYXER) to have your mobile internet profile sent direct to their phone. Your mobile internet profile displays your profile photo and biography then lists all of the mobile content you offer through Myxer. You will find this tool to be extremely valuable as you can provide access to you mobile content anywhere you can post text.

I took a screen shot of the Legendary JC's Myxer profile so you can see how their profile displays the "JointChiefs" for their MyxerCode. All the JC's need to do now is let people know they can "Text JointChiefs to 69937" to have access to all of the JC's mobile content. They could easily just write it down on a piece of paper and tape it to their Merch table, promoting your ringtones can be that simple.

If you are into guerrilla marketing a great idea is to create a sticker with your MyxerCode then place the stickers everywhere you think people will be inclined to try the code. Then you can track how many downloads you get on your Myxer Activity Details page to see how successful you were.

For more information on MyxerCodes and how to set them up please visit:

For more information on the Legendary JCs please visit:

Always feel free to contact our artist devoted support team at

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MyxerTag Customization

When setting your Band or Record Label up to promote many different places around the internet it is important to develop a consistent design that will let fans know they have come to the right place. Myxer now allows you to create a custom skin and custom text color for your MyxerTags so that they match the design of you website and MySpace.

I have included some screen shots of O'Neal McKnight's customized MyxerTag and original MyxerTad. His custom MyxerTag is all iced out like his glasses and chain. Notice how he used a simple background that is mostly a solid color with a graphic on the side. He may have been better off with a darker text but this MyxerTag looks a lot cooler.

To create your own custom skin you first must find or create a graphic 305 by 115 pixels in JPG, GIF, or PGN format. Once your graphic is created you will need to upload it on to a site. I use Facebook but any social network or photo posting site will do. Then copy the URL location of the image and paste it into the "Custom Skin URL:" text box. Then change the text color to a color that will stand out using the "Choose Color" button. Then just copy the HTML of the appropriate embed code and paste into your website or social network page.

If you have any trouble using customized MyxerTag please do not hesitate to contact us at

Friday, June 13, 2008

MySpace MyxerTags

This is a Snap Shot off of Highfire Skyline's MySpace page where they are using the MySpace MyxerTags. You can see that these MyxerTags do not use the "Send to Phone" button but displays their custom MyxerCode and SubCodes to deliver the ringtones to their fans. The fans can still preview the ringtone before they choose to use the texting codes.

Highfire Skyline also added a Myxer link right under their MyxerTags by copying one of our headers off of and making it a link to their Myxer profile. I suggest doing this because the Custom MyxerCodes do not work with all mobile service carriers and on all handsets so some people may need to visit to receive your ringtones.

Check out Highfire Skyline:
Myxer -
MySpace -

If you would like to see your Myxer promotional tools on this blog email me at

Also feel free to contact us at if you need any help setting up MySpace MyxerTags.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Here is a MyxerTag of a song I have created using GarageBand. MyxerTags are Myxer's online promotional tools, allowing artists to post their mobile content easily on their existing web page, MySpace, and Facebook pages. This widget allows the fan to preview the ringtone or video before they send it to their phone right off of the artist's site.

MyxerTags on MySpace
MySpace has changed their policies toward third party content providers, this has pushed us to create a special MyxerTag that utilizes Myxer's Custom Texting Codes to deliver the mobile content to the user's phone. These MyxerTags work all over MySpace including Comment Walls, Bulletins, Blogs, and Profiles. Be sure to use the MySpace MyxerTag if you are embedding into MySpace.

MyxerTags on Facebook
Facebook likes to keep their interface organized and easy to navigate so they do not allow widgets to be drooped into their profiles and communication tools. Myxer does offer a Facebook application where bands can showcase the last track they downloaded on their profile. There is good news, Facebook created a section called Pages where Bands, Labels, and Businesses can create pages to represent their entities. Here you can easily embed our MyxerTag right into your profile. Check out

Myxer Artist Resource Blog

Hello Everyone,

Travis @ Myxer here, I am starting this blog to provide tips and tools to artists who use Myxer to offer new mobile featues on their website, MySpace, & Facebook; add mobile features to their printed promotional items; and learn to use mobile technology to interact with fans, gain new forms of exposure, and maybe make a few bucks on the side.

I will work hard to keep this blog up to date with all of the MyxerIndie happenings.

Thank you,
Travis @ Myxer